On July 14, 2024, the Refugees and Resettlement Support Organization (RRSO) held a focus group in Toronto, Canada with ten Afghan diaspora activists, human rights defenders, and civil society members.

The primary aim of the session was to engage with participants regarding their issues and challenges, as well as to explore ways to alleviate the stress associated with resettlement as newcomers in Canada. Furthermore, the session sought to identify strategies for empowering these individuals to realize their full potential within their new communities in Canada.

During the session, the participants exchanged their ideas, posed questions, and offered recommendations, while also seeking RRSO's assistance in specific areas.

  1. Housing: For newcomers, securing their initial residence in Canada presents significant challenges due to various restrictions and requirements imposed by landlords, such as the necessity for a robust credit report and proof of financial income.
  2. Social life: Newcomers encounter numerous difficulties in establishing their social lives, which can include navigating services related to death and burial, as well as celebrating joyous occasions like weddings and engagements.
  3. Employment and prior background experience: Often, Canada does not recognize prior work experience, creating substantial obstacles for newcomers, particularly for human rights defenders. Many of these individuals possess decades of professional expertise but struggle to find employment opportunities in Canada.
  4. Support for children in school enrollment and access to child tax benefits provided by the federal government.
  5. Language programs for seniors and cultural initiatives for children.
  6. Establishing a mosque and securing land for a cemetery within their communities.
  7. Leveraging the expertise of Afghan women leaders: A significant number of Afghan diaspora human rights defenders arrive with extensive experience and leadership backgrounds from Afghanistan; however, they frequently face challenges in obtaining employment in Canada, resulting in heightened stress and anxiety among these activists.
  8. Continuation of essential sessions by RRSO in the future: Participants expressed a desire for the ongoing provision of these vital sessions, which would assist in alleviating their stress and addressing their challenges.


Way forward: RRSO will consider the suggestions and questions from the participants and collaborate with other organizations and the provincial government to explore the aforementioned points and suggestions, and to seek solutions to support Afghan diaspora human rights defenders in Canada.